Rain Catchers for Water Conservation


Information and applications for our Rain Catcher water harvesting systems.

  • Our Rain Catchers program is designed to save winter runoff for summer use. Rooftop rainwater collection systems capture the water that is falling on impervious surfaces and direct the runoff into holding tanks or basins, small and large, for later use.  These projects offset in-stream water use by increasing capacity of off-stream water storage.

    Our current program Rain Catchers in your Neighborhood aims to increase summer streamflow in key salmonid-bearing watersheds within the Russian River Watershed and its tributaries to enhance viable habitat for Steelhead and Coho Salmon throughout their lifecycles.

  • Conservation Works is working hard to deploy our Rain Catcher in Your Neighborhood program in partnership with Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District, Sonoma Resource Conservation District, and Mendocino Resource Conservation District. Since 2023 we have provided 5,000 gallon rain water tanks and technical assistance to 10 rural residents in the Navarro River Watershed and 11 rain water tanks to community organizations within the Russian River Watershed!

  • We are continuously providing DIY Rain Catchers workshops at community locations where applicable so that our community may learn how to install tanks on their own properties. Together, we hope to build a climate resilient community that knows how to support water conservation in the context of their daily lives.

  • These rainwater capture systems will be provided to our community members on a limited-time, first-come, first-served basis. Currently we are serving the Gold Ridge, Sonoma, and Mendocino County watershed districts. Specific focus is on Mill Creek, Dutch Bill Creek, Mark West Creek, and Green Valley Creek.

Rain Catchers Water Conservation Tank